Friday, September 4, 2015

Stop, Reflect and Check Yourself!

What a week.....and I'm still smiling!!!

This has been a busy but productive week.  I'm watching Serena play in a history making game.  "Come on Serena!"  Let's go, I've already had a busy week.  It's 1 and 1, Come on Serena, let's pull it off."

Back to my "Butterfly Hope"

Come on, do your part is what I say a lot to people including myself.  My part is drawing the circle around myself and working on what I'm responsible for and that's the person in the!  I can only control the person in the middle not alone but with God's help.  We need him in our lives.  Every detail of our lives, we need help.  Our ultimate help is the Lord.
I have a question for you.  Have you forgiven them yet?  Why not? I didn't say forget but forgive.  Your peace is worth it.  Your life is worth.  Your family is worth it.
You see the bitterness that un-forgiveness causes in your soul is torture and it comes out in your decisions, actions and words.  It will overflow to your legacy.  Get rid of it now!  Chances are the stuff your holding is only being held by you.  You don't have to hold on to it.  Give it up and see how light your load becomes.  There's a secret hiding place that I go to to get rid of the days residue, hurt feelings, disappointments and bad choices.  I escape to my strong tower and hide and abide in Jesus!  Sometimes, I run quickly and other times, I walk, crawl to it.  Some of you may run to your friends first but NO ONE can cover, console and love your hurts away like Jesus. Only Jesus.  Don't pull the scab off the wound.  Let it heal and become your testimony of Jesus's healing hands!  The only name on the line is Jesus and he always wins!

Did you see that play where Serena ends in a slit!! Wow!
You will win like Serena Williams! Yes!!

Choose wisely!  Let me know your choice!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Glimpse of your future!
Have you ever dreamed of what you want to be when you grow up? I did and still do! Do you remember the dreams?  Did you write them down? Do you still have them?  Stop!  If you answered “Yes” to those questions, go get them and look at them now.  Yes, stop reading and go read about the dreams you once had or still having.  If you answered “No” I want you to ponder the thoughts you had when you were doing what you love.  Are you thinking about how you can do it more often and get others to get the same enjoyment as you? Are you doing it every day?  Do you live your passion on the weekends and fund it by the work week? 
We have glimpses of doing the things we desire and love.  They span over your time and different seasons in our life.  The glimpses direct you back to the end of the hallway that illuminates your future.
Pursue your purpose!  Come join Rochelle Owens and me as we discuss and engage in an experience that helps propel you to Live in your Purpose. 
Register and get your friends to register! We will all be on the highway of living in our purpose.  Click on the link below to register!
As we live in our purpose we want to come alongside you and help you live in your purpose!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Hey!! Hope Does Not Disappoint!!

Have You Ever Wondered Why?

Have You Ever Wanted To Be Rescued?
Do You Have A Dark Space?
Where Are You?

Have you ever had these questions in your mind or asked these of anyone? Have you ever wondered if anyone else had the same issues.  Are anyone else's kids young or grown are giving them the blues?  Are you the only one with a husband with unrealistic expectations?  Are you the spouse with the issue who will not bend or compromise?  Are you in debt? Are your addictions controlling your life?  Are you being controlled? What's your purpose?  Are you dealing with a mental or physical issue in your body?

Drum roll!!!

Welcome to LIFE! 

The great part of all those questions and scenarios is that somewhere in our lives or our brothers or sisters lives, we have all been there.  Some of us have battle wounds and scars to show our survival skills. Some of us are still there!  Yes and you will never know it because some of us are embarrassed, shameful, still hurting, in doubt or simply have our head in the sand.
There's hope in all the mentioned and those not mentioned above.  We all don't deal with the same at the same time but there is someone who has experienced it and who cares how you come through the circumstance.  Who? Who? 
The one person who can't fail, who whether you recognize it or not has always and will always be there is God!  You may think your problems and issues don't rest or sleep but the God I serve doesn't sleep either and He has never lost a battle!  God gave us the victory a long time ago!  It may not seem like it but I promise when you see the light in your hope, you WIN!

Hope beyond what you can see!  Feed your faith by reading the word of God, doing your part and NEVER give up!  Your life is worth it!

Friday, February 20, 2015

A Call To Action!!

"Your irresponsibility becomes my responsibility" I've heard my husband say it several times.  At first, it felt like a dagger to the heart because what I heard was "Your lazy and now I have to do what you could have done, if you would've taken responsibility for it."  It still seems harsh but it's true.  Procrastination. Lazy. Selfish.  That statement has many names.  For an example, not finishing he house work, as you said you would.  What about not paying the bill by the due date, like you mentioned you would.  What about forgetting to pick up the clothes from the cleaners and the shirt or skirt needed was in there before you got home and now you ask your spouse to do it.  What about not saying no to some other small request even though doing it will conflict with your already jammed schedule.  There's so many examples and I'm sure by now, you have came up with your own.  What about that family member that spends all their money and doesn't pay their own bills and then asks you for yours to pay their bills.  When we don't do what we need or could do, it will become someone elses responsibility.  
Let's do something about it now.  You can't fix the past but you can correct the present and the future.  Not only for you but for your children as well.  Let's be active in life.  What I mean by that is taking responsibility for the things we control and not looking the other way or putting our heads in the sands of life.  Did you know that not doing something is an action.  You make a choice daily to do things. Do something good for you, your family, your neighbors and for strangers.  Do something.  We all have a responsibility to do.  Do is an action word, just like love.  If you love someone, most times they don't have to ask you for something, you just do things for them.  
I have a mega phone out saying to all "Do your part"  How you may ask?
  • Pray to God
  • Listen for a response from God (He does talk back.  Most times we spout our requests and don't listen for a response)
  • Do what's been told and required (Regardless of how simple the action) 
 Most times our greatest failure is not listening and doing.  Following up on an action is mostly forgotten.  Let's all do better!  More gets done when we work together at doing something.  Give 100%, regardless if others don't.  The only one required to do what you have been told is YOU.

Monday, January 26, 2015

But Why?

Has anyone else had trouble following directions explicitly when you don't know the final outcome?  Or the reason for following the directions besides being obedient?
Just doing because you were asked.
God help me to be faithful regardless of my insecurities.  Regardless of my inconsistencies and my lack of knowledge.  God help me.  Why does obedience seem so hard at the smallest request?  Could it be we want some form of control to know what happens next?  It reminds me of the same question my five year old always ask "and then what.....?? and then what Mommie?"  I would respond, just deal with the now of what I said not the next thing.  Of course she didn't understand that so I said what I heard my mom say to me so many times when I was young....."Because I said so."  This still makes me laugh because it didn't do for me then and the look I get from my child now says the same thing.  But why?  Some obedient acts are just simple and others take courage.  Others take unselfish acts of generosity while some are emotionally hard but required to be obedient.

All I know is the God I serve is able!  Not only is he God.  He is the God of all wisdom, foresight and hindsight.  He knows all.  He is purposeful.  Every request is intentional and purposeful.  God knows and that's enough.  It's enough that he knows and will not withhold no good thing from us.  Even though the requests seems simple at times and our questions of why start to cloud our limited view of the BIG view.

God help us to have peace in our believing that you will work ALL things out for our good! In Jesus name!

If you have been here, let me encourage you, it will work out.  It will. It will. It will!

Friday, January 9, 2015


Are you coming down this hallway of life or did you stop?  Did something or someone stop you?

Something stopped me at one time.  I was halted for a long time before I realized I stopped.  I was going through life and had stopped hoping and believing.  I woke up every morning, had my coffee, prayed or made my request to God, got my daughter dressed, kissed my husband on the way out the door and went to work.  Worked, had plenty of conversations, rode through traffic, came home and cooked or dinner was already cooked, took baths and went to sleep.  Your daily life tasks might not look the same but think about your normal tasks you can do with your eyes closed.  I repeated mine several days, weeks, months and almost a year without thinking anything was wrong.  I found a slip of paper that had a thought on it.

Are you intentional?  Intentional at your worship, your marriage, raising your children?  

At first glance I quickly answered "of course, I am."  I repeated the word intentional.  I do things 
on purpose I'm deliberate.
I got down on my knees and realized I stopped on my purpose.  I was created for a purpose.
 We all are!  God is purposeful and doesn't make mistakes.  I let the FEAR of making mistakes stop me before continuing down the hallway of life. The fear of the unknown and what-ifs, and maybes.  There will always be the what-ifs, maybe, no and not yet's.  Do it anyway.  Do and keep doing.
Some of the greatest people had to overcome fear and that's why they accomplished the great things because they did it anyway.  Most times it won't add up or look correct, do it anyway and keep doing it until you get it right.  
There’s always a blessing in showing up, being kind, being generous and doing the right something.

In closing if you want to change let's pray: God you are the Almighty God and you alone reign in my life.  I pray every person who reads this is blessed with extreme favor and grace to get up and DO what You Lord has told them.  Forgive us Father for stopping and bless us with new mercies every day and boldness to get up and finish the race you have set before us.  God, give us the energy, wisdom and strength to run our own race and tell others of your goodness along the way.  In Jesus name, Amen

If you've been here before, leave a comment.

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