Friday, June 5, 2015

Glimpse of your future!
Have you ever dreamed of what you want to be when you grow up? I did and still do! Do you remember the dreams?  Did you write them down? Do you still have them?  Stop!  If you answered “Yes” to those questions, go get them and look at them now.  Yes, stop reading and go read about the dreams you once had or still having.  If you answered “No” I want you to ponder the thoughts you had when you were doing what you love.  Are you thinking about how you can do it more often and get others to get the same enjoyment as you? Are you doing it every day?  Do you live your passion on the weekends and fund it by the work week? 
We have glimpses of doing the things we desire and love.  They span over your time and different seasons in our life.  The glimpses direct you back to the end of the hallway that illuminates your future.
Pursue your purpose!  Come join Rochelle Owens and me as we discuss and engage in an experience that helps propel you to Live in your Purpose. 
Register and get your friends to register! We will all be on the highway of living in our purpose.  Click on the link below to register!
As we live in our purpose we want to come alongside you and help you live in your purpose!