Friday, February 20, 2015

A Call To Action!!

"Your irresponsibility becomes my responsibility" I've heard my husband say it several times.  At first, it felt like a dagger to the heart because what I heard was "Your lazy and now I have to do what you could have done, if you would've taken responsibility for it."  It still seems harsh but it's true.  Procrastination. Lazy. Selfish.  That statement has many names.  For an example, not finishing he house work, as you said you would.  What about not paying the bill by the due date, like you mentioned you would.  What about forgetting to pick up the clothes from the cleaners and the shirt or skirt needed was in there before you got home and now you ask your spouse to do it.  What about not saying no to some other small request even though doing it will conflict with your already jammed schedule.  There's so many examples and I'm sure by now, you have came up with your own.  What about that family member that spends all their money and doesn't pay their own bills and then asks you for yours to pay their bills.  When we don't do what we need or could do, it will become someone elses responsibility.  
Let's do something about it now.  You can't fix the past but you can correct the present and the future.  Not only for you but for your children as well.  Let's be active in life.  What I mean by that is taking responsibility for the things we control and not looking the other way or putting our heads in the sands of life.  Did you know that not doing something is an action.  You make a choice daily to do things. Do something good for you, your family, your neighbors and for strangers.  Do something.  We all have a responsibility to do.  Do is an action word, just like love.  If you love someone, most times they don't have to ask you for something, you just do things for them.  
I have a mega phone out saying to all "Do your part"  How you may ask?
  • Pray to God
  • Listen for a response from God (He does talk back.  Most times we spout our requests and don't listen for a response)
  • Do what's been told and required (Regardless of how simple the action) 
 Most times our greatest failure is not listening and doing.  Following up on an action is mostly forgotten.  Let's all do better!  More gets done when we work together at doing something.  Give 100%, regardless if others don't.  The only one required to do what you have been told is YOU.